The ARELLO Foundation would like to thank all donors for their contributions. Your support is critical to our success. Thank you!
Anne Petit In Memoriam: Josephine "Jo" Ricks and Tony Duncanson, each who were dedicated to ARELLO and the pursuit of fair housing. |
Wendy Alkire |
Daphne Hawk |
Bob Sorey |
Jessica Hickok |
Darren Whorton |
Patricia Jergenson |
Janet Thoren |
Wendy Alkire |
Anne Petit |
Anonymous |
Wayne Thorburn Hope this helps reach the overall goal of this campaign |
Charles Clark In Memory of Harold A. Dawson |
Marcia Franks |
Amber Nutt |
Scott Breidenbach |
Janet Carder |
Sandra O'Connor |
Jeanne Prom |
Chad Stinner |
Anonymous |
Lee Gurr |
Elizabeth Blakeslee |
Debra Gisriel |
Tate Cymbaluk |
Kristin Rosan |
Calleigh Smith |
Elizabeth Hume |
Bob Sorey |
Anonymous |
Richard Emery |
Lee Leslie |
Daphne Hawk |
Connie Hettinga |
Pamela Hanson Carbone |
Bill Aceto |
Andrea Alford |
Roger Cymbaluk |
Ryan Adair |
Anne Petit In memory of Jo Ricks |
Craig Coffee |
Wayne Thorburn |
Marcia Franks |
Scott Breidenbach |
Rebecca Piltingsrud |
Janelle Mitchell |
Kristin Rosan |
Antonio Brown |
Tina Lapp In memory of John Hondros who challenged educators and regulators to work together, think outside the box and keep the student in the spotlight. |
Anne Cooke |
Miriam Baer |
Roger Cymbaluk |
Kathie Connelly |
Marcia Franks |
Elizabeth Blakeslee |
Anonymous Gift in memory of Tony Duncanson |
Roger Cymbaluk |
Doug Oldmixon |
Wayne Thorburn |
Roger Cymbaluk In honor of Pat Jergenson. |
Nedka Dineva |
Anonymous Gift in Memory of Tony Duncanson |
Marcia Franks In memory of Jo Ricks. |
Wayne Thorburn |
Anonymous Gift in Memory of Tony Duncanson |
Anne Petit |
David Raphael |
Mary Frances Whitley |
Anonymous Gift in Memory of Tony Duncanson |
Miriam Baer |
David Raphael |
Wayne Thorburn |
Anne Woody |
Katherine Connelly |
Douglas Oldmixon |
David Raphael |
Mary Frances Whitley |
National Land Council |