ARELLO's monthly publication detailing the latest issues in real estate regulation.
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As part of my role with ARELLO, it is important that I keep a finger on the pulse of the latest industry trends and emerging conversations shaping real estate. For our members and leadership, staying ahead of these shifts isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential. The topics driving discussions today often influence regulatory decisions tomorrow, starting at the local level, moving through state legislatures, and ultimately reaching Congress. With that in mind, here are a few key issues that have ...
Legislation is pending in Oregon to add a classification for managing principal brokers and the regulation of real estate teams. If passed, managing principal brokers will be required to qualify a real estate brokerage for licensure. Principal real estate brokers will only be permitted to supervise the brokerage if they enter into an intracompany control agreement permitting the principal real estate broker to supervise the brokerage activities.
The managing principal broker must ...
The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed legislation amending the state’s real estate licensing laws. Jeanne Prom, the Executive Director of the North Dakota Real Estate Commission, testified before the House Industry, Business and Labor Committee, in support of the legislation. She summarized for the Committee the proposed changes. The first relates to clarification in the law that a person needs to be licensed in order to receive compensation for a referral. Those that do not ...
The State of Virginia, Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation is proposing legislation to create exemptions from licensure for property management. The legislation would permit an unlicensed property manager who is employed by a licensed real estate broker to manage property on behalf of an owner as long as two requirements are met. First, the employee’s actions must be limited to accepting and signing broker-approved rental agreements, state or federal disclosures, and ...
The General Assembly of Virginia passed legislation to eliminate transfer fees between offices within a brokerage firm. Specifically, the law change provides that the Real Estate Board may not charge a fee to a licensee for the transfer of a license between offices within a licensed real estate firm. Examples include a transfer from the firm’s primary place of business to one of the firm’s branch offices or a transfer from one branch office to another branch office. The Virginia Department ...
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